7 Sexual Health Myths-BUSTED

7 Sexual Health Myths-BUSTED

There is no such thing as a bad question. Uncomfortable? Maybe. But our hope is that our patients can ask us anything about pregnancy, prevention, and their sexual health without judgment. For Sexual Health Awareness Month, we wanted to tackle some of the most...
16 and Pregnant

16 and Pregnant

Shame-Free Services and Support The test was positive. I couldn’t believe it. Even while I was staring down at that pink plus sign, I was still holding on to hope that somehow the test was wrong and I really wasn’t pregnant. I was only 16 and had my whole life ahead...
5 Things I Would Tell My Twenty-Something Self

5 Things I Would Tell My Twenty-Something Self

I turned 33 this year, and I’m loving it! I once thought that my thirties were “the beginning of the end” — the end of fun, fashion, and flirtation with my spouse, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. I’ve never felt more confident in my skin or excited...
How My Unplanned Pregnancy Changed My Life

How My Unplanned Pregnancy Changed My Life

Second Chances and New Beginnings “This couldn’t be happening again,” I thought to myself when I started feeling nauseous for the third morning in a row. I was a week late and I knew I needed to take a pregnancy test, but I just couldn’t bring myself to do so just...