
helpful articles about
STDs, Pregnancy, and Parenting
How Much Does an Abortion Cost
How much does abortion cost? Considering abortion? Get all the facts first. There are two types of abortion: surgical abortion and medication abortion. Each is priced differently. How much does an abortion cost without insurance? Surgical abortion takes place...
Do Abortions Hurt?
Do abortions hurt? Read what to expect with the abortion pill or surgical abortion.
5 Things to Consider Before a Self-Managed Abortion
Be informed about self-managed abortion. Your health and safety matter. Read on for essential guidance and risks to make a well-informed decision. We provide free and private pregnancy counseling, care, and resources.
Plan B vs. The Abortion Pill
You may be worried that you’re facing an unexpected pregnancy, and now you want to know about your options. Our trained care team is here and can guide you from uncertainty to certainty. Schedule a free appointment today if you need a free pregnancy test, ultrasound, or someone to talk to.
All You Need to Know About the Abortion Pill
If you are considering a chemical or medical abortion - also called the abortion pill - then it’s important you know all your options. Our caring and trained staff at LifeTalk Resource Center is here to help you make the best decision for you and your baby. If you...
Unplanned Pregnancy, Abortion, and the Holidays
While the holiday season can be filled with parties, decorations, cozy sweaters, and everything peppermint, if you’re facing a pregnancy decision or have an abortion scheduled, you’re probably feeling anything but festive. If you are wondering, Should I wait to...
Why You Need an Ultrasound Before You Decide
A positive pregnancy test (including a home test) is an indication of pregnancy, but not a confirmation. An ultrasound can confirm your pregnancy and it can indicate how far along you are by using measurements to estimate the gestational age of the fetus. We offer...
7 Sexual Health Myths-BUSTED
There is no such thing as a bad question. Uncomfortable? Maybe. But our hope is that our patients can ask us anything about pregnancy, prevention, STD testing, and their sexual health without judgment. For Sexual Health Awareness Month, we wanted to tackle some of the...
5 Ways to Help a Friend Experiencing an Unexpected Pregnancy – Find Care in Frisco, TX
What do you say? How can you help? Thankfully, you don’t need a counseling degree to provide valuable support. The following are five ways to lend emotional and tangible strength to someone processing an unplanned pregnancy. 1. Listen This might be an obvious...
16 and Pregnant
Shame-Free Services and Support The test was positive. I couldn’t believe it. Even while I was staring down at that pink plus sign, I was still holding on to hope that somehow the test was wrong and I really wasn’t pregnant. I was only 16 and had my whole life ahead...